For SRG Group managing director Rod Fitzgerald, being among the Top 10 Brokerages again this year isn’t just a pleasing result – it’s a testament to the strength of the SRG team across all divisions.

“They really continue to strive for success,” Fitzgerald says. “They’re what differentiates our service offering and keeps us relevant to our clients in a changing and, at times, challenging environment.”

During 2019, the company launched SRG eClaim, a bespoke injury claims management system that serves as a value-added service for seafarer workers’ compensation clients. The system assists in managing the complex and time-consuming seafarer claim life cycle, including the Seacare reporting requirement to Comcare.

Looking at the year ahead, SRG Group has plans to lean into more active marketing in the near future.

“We’re now able to proactively promote our business to the segments where we know we have a competitive offering that exceeds that of our competitors,” Fitzgerald says, adding that “2020 will be the year we get better at telling the business community about SRG – and why they want to speak with one of our skilled brokers – and get better outcomes with our state-of-the-art workflow/CRM.”

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