What are the most unusually common injuries in each state?

Insurance regulations could be behind the distinctively common injuries across the states

What are the most unusually common injuries in each state?

Life & Health

By Lucy Hook

It may not come as a surprise that bruises and open wounds are the most common injuries in every state across America – with the one exception of Colorado, where you’re more likely to have be injured by a ‘fall’.

But did you know that ‘over-exertion’ is disproportionately common in North Dakota, and a ‘near-drowning’ experience six-times more likely in Hawaii?

Or that Washington residents are unusually likely to suffer from spine dislocation, while those in Colorado are disproportionately likely to experience suffocation?

New statistics revealed by healthcare data firm Amino, from a database of over 244 million healthcare insurance claims, has revealed the surprising injuries that are disproportionately common, or most distinctive, to each state across the U.S.

Sohan Murthy, a data scientist at Amino, told Insurance Business that insurance regulations and laws could actually be behind the unusual trends.

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For example, in Florida, where unspecified head injury is the disproportionately common physical injury, there is a law that allows drivers over 21 years of age with at least $10,000 worth of medical coverage insurance to be able to operate or ride a motorcycle without a helmet, he explained.

“In general, state laws and insurance regulations could have a big impact on which injuries are disproportionately common in our data,” Murthy said.

Find out which injury is most unusually common in your state in the full list below:

Alaska: Sprained knee
Alabama: Unspecified chest injury
Arkansas: Motor vehicle accident
Arizona: Motor vehicle accident
California: Motor vehicle accident
Colorado: Suffocation
Connecticut: Sprained back
Washington D.C: Unspecified facial injury
Delaware: Rotator cuff sprain
Florida: Unspecified head injury
Georgia: Motor vehicle accident
Hawaii: Scrape
Iowa: Unspecified arm injury
Idaho: Suffocation
Illinois: Unspecified facial injury
Indiana: Struck by object
Kansas: Insect bite
Kentucky: Fall
Louisiana: Unspecified facial injury
Massachusetts: Concussion
Maryland: Sprained hand
Maine: Broken ankle
Michigan: Unspecified hand injury
Minnesota: Spine dislocation
Missouri: Animal bite
Mississippi: Unspecified chest injury
Montana: Sprained knee
North Carolina: Insect bite
North Dakota: Overexertion
Nebraska: Overexertion
New Hampshire: Sprained knee
New Jersey: Sprained hand
New Mexico: Suffocation
Nevada: Suffocation
New York: Unspecified knee injury
Ohio: Sprained back
Oklahoma: Rotator cuff sprain
Oregon: Sprained back
Pennsylvania: Unspecified chest injury
Rhode Island: Sprained neck
South Carolina: Unspecified chest injury
South Dakota: Spine dislocation
Tennessee: Motor vehicle accident
Texas: Insect bite
Utah: Suffocation
Virginia: Insect bite
Vermont: Spine dislocation
Washington: Spine dislocation
Wisconsin: Spine dislocation
West Virginia: Unspecified back injury
Wyoming: Suffocation


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