Allianz launches training programme for insurance agents

The programme aims to equip agents with further knowledge and help the transition towards a digital agency model

Insurance News

By Gabriel Olano

Global insurer Allianz has launched Allianz Masters in Malaysia, a regional training programme aimed at professional development for those working in the insurance industry.
The programme, developed in cooperation with LIMRA, a worldwide research, learning, and development organization, aims to provide Allianz’s agents with additional training and professional development building towards the firm’s digital agency model.
“As customers continue to integrate the use of the Internet in buying decisions, we recognise the need to empower our advisers with the right skill-sets, with the goal of achieving greater customer satisfaction. This tailored programme will raise the bar on professionalism, digitalisation and entrepreneurship both in our agency force and within the industry," said Lars Heibutzki, chief distribution officer of Allianz Asia-Pacific.
The programme will be offered to Allianz Life Insurance Malaysia Berhad (Allianz Life) agents. Aside from an internationally recognized certificate, graduates will also gain access to best practices from the sharing of ideas from the company’s global network.
“Our agents will be better equipped with the professional development that our customers will come to expect from their trusted financial partner,” said Ong Pin Hean, chief sales officer of Allianz Life at the programme’s launch held at the Syeun Hotel in Ipoh.
Allianz Masters was first launched in Shanghai in May, and is expected to enter other core markets in the Asia-Pacific region soon.
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