AXA unveils new tech platform for driver partners and business users

The insurer will partner with a leading logistics platform in Asia

AXA unveils new tech platform for driver partners and business users

Insurance News

By Kenneth Araullo

AXA Hong Kong and Macau has announced a new partnership with logistics tech platform GoGoX to co-create a new model of tech platform for general insurance offerings and tailored, comprehensive coverage for the platform’s driver partners.

GoGoX provides coverage to 3,000 driver partners and users. With this new collaboration, AXA and the logistics platform will continue to explore other innovative solutions to enhance the customer experience.

The partnership will also combine the strengths of both parties – AXA in the general insurance side and GoGoX with its logistics platform capabilities – to enhance the level of protection for GoGoX’s broad community, the companies said.

“Through our partnership with GoGoX, we hope not only to expand our customer base but also to leverage on GoGoX's excellent digital technology and platform scale to improve our operational efficiency, distribution capabilities, and customer experience,” said Kenneth Lai, AXA Hong Kong and Macau chief general insurance officer. “Looking ahead, we will closely monitor market developments and needs to deliver innovative and comprehensive protection products to our customers while creating values for both AXA and our partners.”

Elsewhere in the company, AXA has announced an in-house generative artificial intelligence platform that its staff can use to securely generate, summarise, translate, and correct texts, images, and codes.

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