Swiss Re unit, IKEA launch home insurance product

Offering initially available in Singapore and Switzerland

Swiss Re unit, IKEA launch home insurance product

Insurance News

By Gabriel Olano

Swiss Re’s digital insurance arm iptiQ and IKEA have partnered to launch HEMSÄKER, a home insurance offering initially available in Switzerland and Singapore.

According to a statement from Swiss Re, iptiQ’s business-to-business-to-consumer (B2B2C) model allows it to collaborate with firms such as IKEA to provide various services to customers such as new insurance offerings on the iptiQ digital platform.

HEMSÄKER, which combines the Swedish words for “home” and “secure” is embedded with products purchased from IKEA, while iptiQ provides the insurance proposition and is responsible for managing all related customer touchpoints, the statement said.

“We are thrilled to be partnering with IKEA to offer HEMSÄKER to consumers – a tailored home insurance that can be purchased with a few clicks using any digital device,” said Andreas Schertzinger, iptiQ’s CEO for property & casualty, EMEA. “By combining our state-of-the-art digital platform iptiQ with IKEA’s customer access, we provide peace of mind to more people – and help them get back on their feet quickly after an incident.”

“Every year, we visit many people at home to better understand what is important to them and two topics keep coming up: security and privacy,” said Jessica Anderen, CEO of IKEA Switzerland. “Both are essential for people to feel comfortable in their homes. With HEMSÄKER, we are proud to offer home insurance for the first time, thanks to our insurance partner iptiQ. HEMSÄKER uses easy-to-understand everyday language and can be purchased in a matter of minutes.”

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