North P&I Club produces new interactive information portal

The digital resource has been developed alongside an intelligence company

North P&I Club produces new interactive information portal


By Ryan Smith

North P&I Club has announced details of its new digital resource, MyGlobalView, an interactive geographical information portal. The portal was developed in partnership with geospatial intelligence company Geollect.

MyGlobalView is available exclusively to North’s members and correspondents, and enables access to a broad range of data relating to commercial and trading risk, port infrastructure, and meteorological and travel advice. It also includes a news feed featuring updates from trade news outlets.

MyGlobalConnect also includes commercial and risk security information provided by maritime consulting group Gray Page, which has wide-ranging expertise in providing intelligence services, investigating cargo theft, losses, damage and fraud.

“Together with our partners Geollect, we have developed a really useful digital resource to assist those involved in shipping,” said Rob McInally, director of marketing and communications at North. “This new portal builds on the success of our popular GlobalView platform, launched in September 2019. With access to 30 regularly updated data sources, and more to follow in the coming months, members and correspondents will benefit from greater personalisation and advice.”

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