Five Mins With…John Van De Poll, Holman Webb Lawyers

John Van De Poll quips about looking like George Clooney and why the army turned him down, and discusses how to sell the "sexy" insurance industry to the public.

Insurance News


John Van de Poll is the insurance group partner at Holman Webb Lawyers.

Why insurance?
It was the only place I could get a summer holiday job in between Uni semesters, ended up dropping economics taking law and working full time.

How would you change the industry?     
Sell what a sexy industry it really is, improve how it is valued  and introduce quick, cheap and affordable mandatory binding dispute resolution for actions between insurers whether subrogated or not

Best advice you’ve ever been given?
From my mother: The wheel turns.

What’s the most important thing a broker can do to develop their business?
 Network with lawyers, of course.

If you were Prime Minister for one day, what would you do?  
Introduce mandatory personality testing for politicians – seeing most of them eliminated except for Turnbull who I would then nominate as my successor.

What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today?
It’s not seen as the exciting industry that it is which is leading to a shortage of quality new people.

What has been the highlight of your career?
Successfully running Boylan v Sweeney to the High Court, and having the opportunity to see the Lloyds market in action.

What’ your favoured style of coffee?
Nespresso – because I look like George Clooney.

NRL, AFL, soccer or other?
Cheer Cheer the Red and the White … AFL (Swans).

Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in insurance, I would be…in the army as an electrician.  I applied for an apprenticeship when I was 15 – only to be told my attitude was unsuited to being in the army… correct!

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