Five minutes with...Brendan Forde, QBE

QBE's NSW state manager for workers compensation talks republicanism, the truth and snake handling.

Insurance News


Why insurance?
I enjoy it and, more importantly, spending time with the people I meet through it

How would you sum up insurance brokers in three words?

Valued business partners

How would you change the industry?
I think our industry is quite healthy: However I'd love to be able to influence the government and mainstream media to report and educate the community on the importance of insurance and what we do

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

The truth can be blamed but it never can be shamed

What’s the biggest challenge facing the industry today?
The public's perception of us

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever arranged cover for?

A dangerous snake handler

What’s your favoured style of coffee?

NRL, AFL, soccer or other?
Soccer? I support real football. I'm a tragic Arsenal fan

If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive, and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why?
Dean Martin, Oliver Reed and Keith Richards – for the interesting conversation

Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in insurance, I would be…
The oldest player in the Premier League

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