Far out Friday: TV star blames Oscar winner for rocketing premiums

There are a number of variables that can affect car insurance premiums but one lesser-known influential factor could be the celebrity in your passenger seat.

Insurance News


Age, address, driving experience and claims history are all variables that can send your car insurance premiums through the roof but driving around with a well-known actress in your passenger seat? You might have to trawl through the terms and conditions to spot that one.

Unfortunately for British-born actor James Purefoy, he did not. When the star of Rome was caught by an eagle-eyed paparazzi photographer driving around with Gwyneth Paltrow, his equally eagle–eyed insurance company called Purefoy to let him know his car insurance would be going up as a result of the precious cargo.
“[He] said we’re slapping £500 a year on your insurance because you’re driving around with Gwyneth Paltrow,” Purefoy said, in an interview with Harrods Man.

If driving around with a Paltrow can send your premiums rocketing, what can other well-known faces do your policy?
George Michael
If this crooner gets into your passenger seat, you might as well remortgage your house because that’s how much your car insurance premiums will cost you. The Patience singer has a habit of driving while on drugs. His last offence was in 2010 when he drove into the front of a store in London. He is currently serving a five year driving ban (so he’d probably appreciate a lift).
Walter White, pre-Heisenberg (Breaking Bad television show)
The father-of-two pretty much lived up to his surname. He was a high school chemistry teacher living in a quaint little suburb in Albuquerque, had been driving the same resilient Pontiac Aztek for a number of years decades and had probably never made a claim in his life.  Much like his car he was resilient, quiet and flew under the radar (for a while). Your premiums would probably remain unchanged. His drug-dealing alter ego Heisenberg, however, is another matter…
Australian cricket team
If you are lucky enough to be driving around any one of these sporting heroes, it will come at a price – a big one. Michael Clarke, for example, is worth $16m – and is said to be the richest cricketer in the world. Make sure he buckles up.
 The Real Housewives of Melbourne
If you happen to be driving around one ‘stars’ of this show (make sure they pay for chauffeuring services), you might go down in the estimations of everyone you know and your premiums may shoot up - not because the ‘actors’ are noteworthy thespians but because if you’re driving these ladies around, you’re clearly a bit of a risk taker.

Disclaimer: Insurance Business did not consult any underwriters when putting together this (fun) article.

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