Driving an effective software solution for motor repair claims

Yannick Giguère of Stelvio Australia remarks on the strengths of the EstImage platform

Driving an effective software solution for motor repair claims

Insurance News


Stelvio Australia, through its EstImage software solution, has been providing innovative solutions to the general insurance, property, and motor repair management markets for two decades. The cloud-based ecosystem’s ability to help businesses manage accidents, claims, and repairs led to Stelvio Australia’s recognition as an Excellence Awardee for Best Service Provider at the 2022 Insurance Business Awards.

EstImage general manager Yannick Giguère attributed the company’s success to the flexibility of its flagship product, EstImage Motor, which can “adapt to the client’s needs at no additional fee,” he said in this interview with Insurance Business. Clients include everyone involved in the motor assessment and repair process such as insurers, brokers, assessors, and self-insured fleets.

Stelvio Australia’s excellent service was also due to strong teamwork and collaboration with clients. “The team we’ve built and the way we collaborate with our clients [is such] that they get the best outcome from the product and not just at inception, but for the duration of our relationship,” Giguère said.

“We really establish a relationship where they can easily reach us [to discuss issues] and work together to understand their challenges and find solutions. So, we’re very proud of our customer experience and proud to say that on average, our client advisor client base has been with us for more than 10 years.”

Giguère revealed that challenges in motor claims management, such as more frequent disasters, had resulted in hiring problems. This situation led Stelvio Australia to improve the automation of its software products so they would continue functioning well even when the company had fewer employees.

“If there’s a catastrophe, you want to make sure that your processes are efficient so that you can provide the best customer service, so automation helps with that. It cuts delays,” he explained.

Another challenge was access to data, which Giguère said was important in controlling costs, increasing process efficiency, and ensuring good customer service. To deal with this issue, the company focused on capturing data at a granular level so it can be used for traditional reports as well as advanced business analytics and machine learning.

EstImage “empowers brokers with relevant information” through SMS or email notifications at different stages of the claim, he said. This allows brokers to provide timely information and expert advice to all clients.

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