Auckland-Coromandel flood victims urged to lodge their claim on time

EQC said the deadlines for filing claims may vary for different customers

Auckland-Coromandel flood victims urged to lodge their claim on time

Insurance News

By Mina Martin

New Zealanders whose land suffered damage from landslips or flooding during the March storms are reminded that they still have time to lodge their claims with the Earthquake Commission (EQC).

Customers who suffered land damage have three months to lodge their claim, but customer and claims GM Trish Keith said the deadline will be different for people in this case.

“Each customer’s deadline for lodging their claim depends on when a flood or landslip damaged their property. You have up to three months from that point. For example, if your property suffered landslip damage on March 07, you have until June 07 to lodge your claim.

“If your property has suffered landslip or flood damage, and you have fire insurance for home or contents, then you can make a claim with EQC within three months from when the damage occurred,” said Keith.

EQC only covers storm and flood damage, within certain limits, to residential land; and natural landslip damage to home, contents, and land, also within certain limits. House and contents damage is then picked up by insurance companies according to the terms of their policy with their customers.

Related stories:
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