AA Insurance voted most trusted NZ insurance brand

Firm named as most trusted general insurance brand for 10 consecutive years

AA Insurance voted most trusted NZ insurance brand

Insurance News

By Gabriel Olano

AA Insurance has been voted the most trusted general insurance brand in New Zealand, gaining the distinction for the 10th consecutive year.

The insurer topped the 21st edition of the poll by Reader’s Digest, which includes 69 categories of products and services across a broad range of industries. Over 1,600 respondents were asked to select three of their most trusted brands for each category and rate those brands from 1 to 10 for trust.

AA Insurance won the general insurance (car, home, and contents) category, with AMI and State Insurance as runners-up. Meanwhile, AA Life topped the life insurance category, followed by Southern Cross Life Insurance and AMP.

For health insurance, Southern Cross Health Insurance was in first place, with honourable mentions for AA Health and AIA.

“It’s an honour to be recognised by Kiwis for being genuine, authentic and reliable, and speaks volumes about our people and the contribution they’ve made, and continue to make, to earn the trust of our customers,” said Richard Park, AA Insurance’s head of marketing and distributions.

“Being named ‘Most Trusted’ comes with a responsibility to uphold that trust, and our people remain dedicated to backing up our promises and getting things sorted for our customers.”

Meanwhile, confectionery maker Whittaker’s was the overall most trusted brand in New Zealand for the ninth year running. Other brands that topped their categories were St John for charities, Kiwibank for banking, and Anchor for milk.

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