Direct Group turns to video to boost claims process

Partnership marks the launch of a new app

Direct Group turns to video to boost claims process


By Paul Lucas

In an effort to boost the journey on property claims, Direct Group has announced a partnership with technology business Eviid and the launch of a new app.

The app allows customers to upload video footage relating to their claim which can be viewed by Direct Group’s claims handlers.

“The technology can be used by our field force out on site, or we send a link to customers to download the app, and invite them to take some video footage which is viewed by our technical desk handlers,” said Lee Bradshaw, client development director at DVS, Direct Group’s claims validations unit in Preston.

“We expect the technology to enhance our client servicing by triaging our claims more effectively, reducing the number of site visits and settling claims quickly at the desk.”

According to Bradshaw, this initial offering is just the beginning for the concept.

“We have started using the technology on flooring claims and are broadening the scope across the whole of our property book,” he explained. “Discussions are already underway on how the functionality can enhance the claims journey for example by allowing customers to scan bar codes for damaged electronic goods and room scoping within the app in order to process gadget claims more rapidly.”

He added that claims tech is bringing huge change to business models and, as long as quality is not compromised, can have significant cost advantages.


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