Based on the fact it's considered one of the world’s most impressive vehicles, both in terms of speed and elegance, anyone who deliberately crashes a Bugatti Veyron probably deserves to face ‘a little jail time.’
In an intricate plot, East Texas resident Andy House bought this succulent piece of machinery for a measly $1 million then quickly had it insured for $2.2 million.
For a moment, let’s set aside the fact Mr. House owned a BUGATTI VEYRON, of which the 400th was sold as recently as December 2013, meaning only 50 more will be built before production ceases.
Let’s take this at surface value and assume, with a good enough story, Mr. House could walk away with paying off the loan he took from a friend, plus some extra pocket change. Emphasis on the good story.
Now, you would think the endless stream of publicized American mishaps in our modern society would teach people that the lie is always worse than the original poor decision. Take the recent circus surrounding USC football star Josh Shaw as a prime example. But like his fellow peers, Mr. House decided to try to cover-up his attempted fraud with a painfully weak personal account of how the events transpired.
What did he decide was a viable excuse? Sorry officer, I dropped my phone, saw the reflection of a low-flying pelican in it while it was on the floor and was subsequently forced to swerve into this bay.
Take a moment to let that sink in.
Now, why didn’t House immediately shut down the engine when in the salt water to attempt to save the engine from being completely ruined? Well because he was “being bitten by mosquitos,” of course. For 15 minutes.
Unfortunately for Mr. House, yet fortunately for society, these events were caught on video by innocent bystander, Joe Garza.
Unsurprisingly, no pelicans were spotted at the scene of the crime.
House has yet to be sentenced, but faces up to 20 years in prison.