Andy Shelton

Andy Shelton

Andy Shelton, CIC, AIC, CRM

Washington Workers’ Compensation Practice Leader; Property & Casualty Broker

Brown & Brown

In addition to his work in private market states, Andy leads the Washington Workers’ Compensation Practice of Brown & Brown which specializes in helping employers successfully control costs in our challenging monopolistic jurisdiction. Andy’s expertise encompasses claims, analytics, underwriting, program management, and placement. He is passionate about helping employers take control of what can seem like uncontrollable problems and achieve superior results for their businesses and employees. In his 15 years at Brown & Brown, Andy has handled workers’ compensation in nearly every state and has placed and managed the gamut of program types from simple guaranteed cost, loss sensitive, captive, and self-insurance programs. Andy’s approach is rooted in connecting on-the-ground pragmatic assessments to the complexity of different plan designs to help employers understand how elements of prevention, mitigation, and insurance structure interact so they can make informed and effective decisions to reduce their cost of risk. Though he was born and raised in Tacoma, WA, Andy started his career in Phoenix, AZ. He then returned home to Washington where he built a practice that applied an insurance-minded approach and proven risk reduction strategies to a monopolistic system that is often ignored by the insurance community. In his free time he enjoys music, maintaining an active lifestyle, and honing his negotiation skills with his two young daughters.

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