Don't let your property managers and owners be at risk - protect with Tenant Discrimination

Various social justice movements around the world have highlighted systemic challenges to equality. With these important social shifts and changes occurring, it’s important that property owners and managers to not only understand the laws regarding tenant discrimination, but also take steps to mitigate risks they may face by violating tenant rights.

Tenant Discrimination insurance should be part of any property owners’ comprehensive insurance portfolio in the event there are administrative charges and lawsuits brought against them for allegations of discrimination.

Watch this on-demand webinar from Tokio Marine HCC as experts discuss why clients need insurance coverage for discrimination and explore what constitutes adequate coverage. Learn more about how regulatory agencies audit Fair Housing and get a better understanding of how you can identify whether your insured may be at risk.

Sign up now and gain insight into:

  • Tenant discrimination coverage for property owners and managers
  • How regulatory agencies send "testers" to hold landlords accountable for unfair housing practices
  • Whether you have adequate coverage on your GL or BOP policy

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