North P&I Club refreshes brand

New digital resources also introduced

North P&I Club refreshes brand


By Terry Gangcuangco

North P&I Club is sporting a new look, updating its brand identity with a fresh website as well as a suite of digital resources.

Aimed at further enhancing the marine insurer’s global service offering, the changes include a revamped members’ area called MyNorth; an innovative tool which allows the creation of a personalised book of correspondent contacts by region and country; an improved section on industry expertise areas; and the introduction of GlobeView, which highlights port, sanctions, weather, and maritime threats and incidents information.

The goal is to deliver “speedier and easier” access to the Club’s extensive P&I (protection and indemnity), FD&D (freight, demurrage, and defence), and loss prevention information resources.

North’s updated Android and iOS apps also feature translated content and access to every employee and correspondent.

“In addition to our enhanced digital offering, North is rearticulating its core brand in line with the evolving markets in which we operate,” chief executive Paul Jennings told members, brokers, and directors in a September 26 circular.

“Our approach, ‘Global service built around you’ and featuring the new North roundel, is designed to encapsulate North’s confidence in its services, its modern, member-centric approach, and the importance of global trade.”

Jennings also went on to state: “The strength of North’s brand is clearly visible in the Club’s industry-leading position with record entered tonnage of 200M GT for P&I and 150M GT for FD&D, underpinned by our S&P “A” rated financial strength and an outstanding service reputation.

“However, the challenges that our members face are constantly evolving. By delivering a global service built around our members’ needs, we enable them to trade with confidence.”

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