Jordan Lynn

Jordan Lynn

Jordan is currently a news editor at Insurance Business.


Before joining Insurance Business, worked as a journalist at the BBC in London. His specialty areas include insurance, M&A, economics and finance.

Contact: [email protected]

QBE CEO offers strategy perspective following major sale

QBE CEO offers strategy perspective following major sale

Head of major insurer believes there won’t be a wholesale reduction

QBE offloads Latin American operations to Zurich

QBE offloads Latin American operations to Zurich

Firm also reports huge statutory net loss on the back of natural disasters

QBE may get rid of underperforming units

QBE may get rid of underperforming units

CEO suggests insurance firm will be “smaller, a little bit more focused and less complex”

QBE reveals expected $1.2 billion loss

QBE reveals expected $1.2 billion loss

Company stung by natural catastrophe losses and two "significant" one-off non-cash items

Claim Central reveals US launch

Claim Central reveals US launch

Firm opens US office with new North American leader jumping ship from major broker

QBE: 2017 on track to be costliest year in history

QBE: 2017 on track to be costliest year in history

Insurer looks at huge impact of US hurricanes, Mexican earthquake and more

QBE reveals shock departure of CEO

QBE reveals shock departure of CEO

Replacement named for outgoing boss who said his job wasn’t yet done

QBE reveals profit surge and executive reshuffle

QBE reveals profit surge and executive reshuffle

CEO of one regional segment will step down in shake-up


Lloyd's playing a 'growing role' in the North American insurance landscape

How can brokers leverage the London marketplace?

Unlocking the digital future of Medicare Prescription Drug Plans

Examining the value of integrating technology with Part D coverage and enhance your customer's experience

Can workers' comp offer a rich and rewarding career?

Veteran shares the biggest misconception about insurance careers

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