Engage your clients this summer with hot content ideas

If business has slowed for the season, take the opportunity to energize your agency's website and marketing content

Engage your clients this summer with hot content ideas


By Heather Turner

Clients enjoy getting to know their insurance provider in new and exciting ways. Insurance Technologies Corporation’s (ITC) Emily Nguyen, senior marketing coordinator, offers a fresh batch of summer-themed ideas that insurance agencies can use in their next piece of content. 

Best spots to watch July 4th fireworks
What are the best places in your area to watch Independence Day fireworks? “Write a blog post listing local fireworks displays taking place in your town,” says Nguyen. “Be sure to include details such as address, start time and parking availability.”

Heat exhaustion safety
Record-high temperatures are sweeping the nation – extended periods outdoors can be a precarious situation. Notify clients of ways to avoid heat exhaustion; for example, taking water breaks and avoiding excess activity.

July food holidays
“July has many interesting and fun holidays aside from the typical festivities. Your insurance agency can choose to take part in as many or as few of these as you’d like,” she says.

Life insurance check-in
If your agency writes life insurance, share content about how often people should check in on their policies.

Dog days of summer
Nguyen shares a fun factoid: Did you know the saying “dog days of summer” has astronomical origins? “The warmest and most humid part of summer is also the period when Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, rises with the sun at the same time.”

International travel safety
Summer is when many people take the time to travel. Do some research and compile your top international travel tips to share with clients.

Summer fun
“Before writing content about summer fun, think about your customer base. Is it mostly families? Older generations? Commercial clients? With that in mind, write a helpful blog about the best indoor places to have some fun around your city,” she says.

Tips to reduce water usage
Write a blog post about top water conservation tips.

City recycling pickup
If your agency serves a lot of homeowners, especially new homeowners to your area, share information about your local recycling pickup schedule. 

Workers’ comp series
Does your agency offer workers’ comp? Nguyen suggests starting a series about this line of coverage: “Use [the content] to answer your most common questions about the subject. You could also write a blog post about your most common types of claims.”



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