Protecting your clients during holiday party season

The beginning of December marks the start of office holiday party season. Here are some simple ideas that you can share with your clients to ensure their office holiday parties run smoothly.

Protecting your clients during holiday party season

Industry insights


The beginning of December marks the start of office holiday party season. Here are some simple ideas that you can share with your clients to ensure their office holiday parties run smoothly.
  1. Make sure your clients are covered
If your clients are hosting their party offsite, it’s a good idea to ensure that the commercial host has its own liability insurance. For those who are hosting onsite, they should make sure that their policy provides coverage for third-party liquor liability.
  1. Keep those eyes peeled
Having a guest list and/or offering tickets is a great way to maintain control and keep track of who is attending the party.

If holiday parties are hosted in the office be sure to protect confidential information by locking computers, drawers and other areas where personal information may be stored.

It’s also a good idea to restrict access to areas that have sensitive information in order to avoid people roaming through the office.
  1. Monitor and control guests’ alcohol consumption
One of the best ways to manage responsible alcohol consumption is by issuing drink tokens, rather than hosting an open bar. Hiring a bartender can also help, but remember to ensure they are Smart Serve certified.

Limiting the hours that alcohol is served will also help ensure guests aren’t leaving the party inebriated.

And remember to have plenty of non-alcoholic beverage options for guests as well.   
  1. Check that the décor is safe
A little housekeeping before the party is wise. It’s imperative to inspect things like holiday lights before they go up. Frayed wires, bare spots, gaps in insulation, broken or cracked sockets, and excessive cord kinking or wear can all lead to a potential fire. Also loose cords and decorations can cause potential safety hazards.
While the Christmas tree is beautiful to behold, it needs to be placed away from fireplaces, hot air vents or other sources of heat to avoid it drying out and potentially catching fire.
  1. Ensure that guests get home safely
This is the biggest challenge – making sure guests who have been consuming alcohol get home safely.

Offer phone numbers for taxi companies or taxi chits at the beginning of the evening, and double-check with guests as they leave to ensure they are using them and not driving home. Better still, arrange transportation ahead of time with designated drivers or a shuttle-service provider.

Brokers are always there to offer the best advice to their clients, and there is no better advice than that which helps ensure everyone have a safe and happy holiday season.

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