Alberta government increases tax on insurance premiums

Your clients could be affected by new changes to tax on insurance premiums outlined in the Alberta government’s new budget

Insurance News


The New Democratic Party government of Alberta has released its 2015-2016 budget and, in it, outlined new changes to tax on insurance premiums that could affect clients in Alberta.
As of April 1st 2016, taxes on insurance premiums will see a 1% increase, meaning from that date there will be a 3% tax on premiums for insurance such as life, accident and sickness, and a 4% tax on premiums for most other types of insurance.
The government estimates these increases will generate an estimated $158 million in revenue in 2016-17. “Overall this budget lays out a responsible economic plan that will serve as a shock absorber to our short-term challenges and grow the economy over the long term” said Joe Ceci, finance minister.

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