BLOG: How to become an insurance superhero

Lynne Wallace of the National Directory of Insurance outlines five steps to becoming a superhero in the insurance profession.



The kids are winding down. The 2-year-old comes upstairs and asks to watch a show. I’ve never heard of this show. His five year old sister walks in and validates the request. “Just search…it’s there. You’ll love it!” she tells me. I quickly search, not wanting to reveal my ignorance any further. And there it is...a preschool series starring a pack of six heroic puppies led by a tech-savvy 10 year old. The kids squeal. The intro launches. The sound seductively drifts through the house. Within minutes all five kids are sitting on the bed, eyes glued to the screen, and my mind begins translating into insurance.

Each pup brings a unique talent and pack of special tools to the team as they take on rescue missions...anything from helping a stranded kitten to saving a train from a rockslide! The kids, perhaps future insurance professionals, are captured by the super-hero formula. And frankly, so is anyone who is desperate to get something important done.

So here's what I think it takes to be an Insurance Super Hero...

1.  Future Focus - Super Heroes invest in the future.. They are able to look ahead, anticipate changing needs and have a keen sense of what it'll take to be successful in the future rather than just assuming what we have now will always work.

2.  Super Power – Everyone has unique ability. The super hero works hard to strengthen that ability through education, better habits and eliminating anything that is unhealthy or weakens their special gift. When you invest in strengthening your weaknesses, you end up with a bunch of strong weaknesses. When you strengthen your strengths you end up with superpower.

3. Team - Super hero collaboration beats the “what’s in it for me” mentality any day. Link a group of high-integrity, uniquely talented individuals with complimentary skills, focus them on a worthy need, and you enter miracle territory.

4. Noble Purpose  - No one really cares about what you do or how you do it until they understand your "why". If I tell you I'm in the insurance business and that I use great technology to help clients be more successful...are you interested? Probably not.

You're thinking I sound like every other insurance person.  But if I tell you I'm committed to helping you achieve a success you really want and that I'll accomplish it using amazing technology supported by insurance... Are you interested in learning more? Most people are.

5. Technology – This is the essence of today’s super power. Technology offers invisible strength. It makes things go faster, appear (and disappear) magically, and creates massive efficiencies. The Super Hero is tech savvy and able to leap administrative hurdles effortlessly using cyber strategy.

So the show is over...the kittens are safe, rockslide begging for more. The super hero formula works.

Lynn Wallace is the founder of the National Directory of Insurance and president of Vantreo Insurance Brokerage.

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