Cyber attacks on big companies up 40 per cent

Big businesses are suffering an increasing number of cyber attacks according to a major cybersecurity firm.



Big businesses are suffering an increasing number of cyber attacks according to a major cybersecurity firm. Symnatec, the company behind Norton, has published its annual internet security report which shows that five out of every six companies with 2,500 employees or more was targeted by a phishing email or email fraud in 2014, 40 per cent higher than in 2013. Small and medium sized companies also suffered more attacks with increases of around 30 per cent. The level of attacks including malware, which aims to infect a user’s machine to gain access to data, ran at 1 million every day last year. The use of ransomware, which locks access to a user’s data until a payment is made to hackers, increased by 113 per cent. Symantec said the only constant in cyber attacks is change and attackers are finding ways to adapt the technology that companies are using for protection to attack them. 

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