Noor Uppal

Noor Uppal

Noor Uppal

Commercial Insurance Broker

Armour Insurance Brokers Ltd.


Meet Noor Uppal, the rockstar of the insurance world! With two years in the game, she's got the magic touch as a Commercial Insurance Broker. Noor's motto? Keeping it real with integrity, empathy, and 100% honesty. She started as an in-house salesperson and account manager at Armour Insurance Brokers Ltd, forming bonds with clients and getting a deep understanding of commercial insurance. Then, in June 2023, she donned the producer hat and wrote over $2.5 million in Gross Written Premium (GWP) in just five months. Noor's secret sauce? Putting her clients first, always. She'll guide you through the insurance maze with a dash of charm, making sure your business and assets stay out of harm's way.


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Global Weekly News Roundup July 03-07, 2023

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