Surety Association of Canada announces new slate of officials

They were elected during a recent general meeting

Surety Association of Canada announces new slate of officials


By Josh Recamara

The Surety Association of Canada (SAC) announced its new slate of officers.

The SAC board convened to elect the officials for the upcoming fiscal year during its 33rd Annual General Meeting and Conference last September. The company also reviewed its membership during the event.

The elected officials are as follows:

  • Scott Beitel, president, PLATFORM
  • Iqbal Bhinder, senior vice president, contract surety, RAISE underwriting (board vice chair)
  • Guillaume Burroughs, national vice president, surety, REVAU
  • Robert Cristiano, vice president, surety & credit worldwide, Everest Reinsurance Group
  • Chris Fiore, head of surety, Canada, The Hartford
  • Nicolas Gagnon, partner, Lavery, de Billy
  • Richard A. Grant, senior vice president - Surety, Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company
  • Steven Hastings, senior vice president - Surety, Liberty Mutual Canada
  • David Johnston, national director - Commercial Surety, Aon Canada Inc.
  • Tom Krech, vice president, construction surety, Chubb Insurance Company of Canada (board chair)
  • Sean Linton, assistant vice president, commercial and reclamation surety, Aviva Insurance Company of Canada
  • Raymond Llamas, assistant vice president - underwriting director, CNA Surety
  • Aimee Mather, chief underwriting officer, commercial surety, Travelers Insurance Company of Canada
  • Paul McIntyre, vice president, surety, Allianz Trade Canada
  • Sarina Puccio, head of credit and surety, Munich Reinsurance Company of Canada, Ltd.
  • Rick Shaban, senior counsel, Borden Ladner Gervais, LLP
  • Glen Shaw, head of surety North America, Partner Reinsurance Company
  • David Smith, president, Surety Canada, Intact Insurance
  • Sheila E. Thompson, president, Rosenberg & Parker of Canada, Inc.
  • James Toothill, chief claims officer and privacy officer, Western Surety Company
  • Jordan Walker, head of surety, Canada, Zurich Insurance Company Ltd

The SAC board plays a central role in advancing the association’s mandate to support and promote the interests of the surety industry in Canada.

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